Wing Commandeered: Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen

Wing Commandeered: Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen:
In space, nobody can hear you alt-text. Which isn't to say you should alt-text if you see the Alien. Just go straight to killing it with fire, or possibly shooting yourself so that you don't have to worry about facehuggers any more.

We sent Richard Cobbett to find out what the man who made Wing Commander is now working on. Turns out it’s a PC-only space game. And it looks incredible.
I’m sitting in a room, definitely not watching Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts playing a new Wing Commander game. No, it’s the brand new, totally original Star Citizen [the single player aspect of which is called Squadron 42, for some reason - Ed], and as I watch him fly a fighter with no resemblance whatsoever to the Raptor with a Broadsword turret out of a carrier’s launchbay and into the never before seen Vega Sector, I don’t for a second pause to notice how he totally isn’t flying past one of the Kilrathi’s asymmetric Dralthi fighters. Or anything else that might require an expensive license or getting into bed with EA.
In short, Star Citizen is absolutely not Wing Commander 6, Privateer 3 or Freelancer 2. It is however all of their children in a blender. In a good way, of course.
But first, watch this:
