Caturday Cliffhanger

Caturday Cliffhanger:
Wha-wazzat. I fleetlingly glimpsed something. I shall freeze and stare for a while.

Where did it go? Was it just my imagination? Are there alien creatures invading mai house?

I must investigate. Against insurmountable odds I shall sssquuueeeeezzze!

Almost there. Oh the suspense is terrible!

There it is again! Sooo, we meet at last, mythical creature thingy!

And suddenly, at the very last second …
(Suspenseful music! Dramatic pause! FADE OUT)

And now we go to the break.

Smilla will be back (maybe, maybe not) after this word from our sponsors, Henrik and Jenny J.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Caturday, Kittens
