Chrono Disfunglement Takes Braid, Adds Dimensions

Chrono Disfunglement Takes Braid, Adds Dimensions:
It also adds quite a bit of purple.
I still don’t know what disfunglement means (it sounds rather painful), but I must admit to being quite impressed after playing a bit of Chrono Disfunglement‘s work-in-progress IGF build. In short, the seductively psychadelic puzzle-platformer allows nigh-unlimited control over the forces of time – ala Braid. There is, however, a slight twist to the formula that ends up making many of the puzzles radically different. See, CD actually offers two flavors of history-rewriting: entire world and individual object. Among other things, that allowed me to pull the block/switch puzzle equivalent of tying a string to a coin, dropping it in a candy machine, and then yanking it back out. Take that, The Establishment.
