Great 3D driving simulator that uses the Google Earth plug-in

Great 3D driving simulator that uses the Google Earth plug-in:
We've seen a variety of great vehicle simulators over the years, from Ships to Aircraft to the A-Team van. A new driving simulator was recently released by Katsuomi Kobayashi and it's quite well done.


It doesn't have a ton of features, and is missing things like building collision detection (which is both a blessing and a curse), but has some really creative features like multiple viewpoints, working brake lights and even turn signals (seen below)!


It's the first driving simulator I've played with since the new 3D imagery came out, and that certainly adds a different dimension to it. The imagery itself adds depth to the game, but the roads in those cities are very bumpy and make it difficult to drive. Search for "San Francisco" in the game and you'll see what I mean.

All in all, it's a fun little game. Try it for yourself at this link and leave your comments below.

(via Google Maps Mania)
