Hey, You, Come Play With RPS Readers!

Hey, You, Come Play With RPS Readers!:
Hats not optional.

If you’re looking for folks to play games with then look no further than our own forums and Steam group. There’s a Guild Wars 2 community on Gunnar’s Hold, and an XCOM multiplayer club for those with turn-based inclination. Perhaps even more usefully, the Arma 2 chaps run a big public Mumble, with channels for all sorts of games. If you’re in need of voice-comms for an RPS game, then why not hop on there? The Arma 2 contingent roll out every Tuesday, and I can vouch first-hand that it’s a fine way to make the most of that game. But what I am really saying is that whether you’re interested in Minecraft or in Planetside, there should be something there for you. So why not take a look?
