Homemade Gift Recipe To Give or Keep: Fig & Olive Tapenade for Blue Cheese — The Cheesemonger:
I recently visited Jimtown Store in Healdsburg, California. It's a quaint little country store that acts as part gift and antique shop, part thirst quencher rest stop for bikers traversing wine country. In one case, they boasted a tasty-looking fig and olive spread for blue cheese.
I figured that the Jimtown condiment couldn't be hard to replicate, and would make a pretty thoughtful gift around this time of year, especially if accompanied by a healthy wedge of blue. Here, a recipe that combines the savory heft of an olive with the earthy sweetness of a fig. More
I figured that the Jimtown condiment couldn't be hard to replicate, and would make a pretty thoughtful gift around this time of year, especially if accompanied by a healthy wedge of blue. Here, a recipe that combines the savory heft of an olive with the earthy sweetness of a fig. More