No Survivors: Jasper Byrne’s New Game Canned:
Oh, hm. Well boo. If you’ll remember, Lone Survivor maestro Jasper Byrne recently announced that he was leaving behind the cobweb-coated confines of survival-horror to enter a realm one part Dark Souls and one part Zelda. I quite enjoy both of those things, and Lone Survivor pushed all of my most precious of buttons in highly sensual ways. I was, then, quite excited about Byrne’s latest and (potentially) greatest. But now, I am markedly less excited, because it’s somewhat tough to get my hopes up for something that no longer exists.
Oh, hm. Well boo. If you’ll remember, Lone Survivor maestro Jasper Byrne recently announced that he was leaving behind the cobweb-coated confines of survival-horror to enter a realm one part Dark Souls and one part Zelda. I quite enjoy both of those things, and Lone Survivor pushed all of my most precious of buttons in highly sensual ways. I was, then, quite excited about Byrne’s latest and (potentially) greatest. But now, I am markedly less excited, because it’s somewhat tough to get my hopes up for something that no longer exists.