No Survivors: Jasper Byrne’s New Game Canned

No Survivors: Jasper Byrne’s New Game Canned:
The one on the far left will forever be stuck in a state of mid-roll, unable to attain the closure it so desperately seeks.
Oh, hm. Well boo. If you’ll remember, Lone Survivor maestro Jasper Byrne recently announced that he was leaving behind the cobweb-coated confines of survival-horror to enter a realm one part Dark Souls and one part Zelda. I quite enjoy both of those things, and Lone Survivor pushed all of my most precious of buttons in highly sensual ways. I was, then, quite excited about Byrne’s latest and (potentially) greatest. But now, I am markedly less excited, because it’s somewhat tough to get my hopes up for something that no longer exists.
