Star Citizen’s Fleet System Gets Video’d, Detail-ified:
Did you know that you can command your own fleet in Star Citizen? I suppose that shouldn’t really surprise you, given that you can also do everything else ever in the history/future of space in Star Citizen. Unsurprisingly, Roberts is shooting for the stars with this aspect of the space sim to end all space sims (and/or trigger a flood of other space sims) as well, with phrases like “most sophisticated AI that I’ve attempted on any of my games” drawing widened eyeballs. As ever, though, footage of Roberts’ grand schemes in action makes a decently convincing case for cautious optimism. Do some kind of physics-defying space flip past the break to give it a watch.
Did you know that you can command your own fleet in Star Citizen? I suppose that shouldn’t really surprise you, given that you can also do everything else ever in the history/future of space in Star Citizen. Unsurprisingly, Roberts is shooting for the stars with this aspect of the space sim to end all space sims (and/or trigger a flood of other space sims) as well, with phrases like “most sophisticated AI that I’ve attempted on any of my games” drawing widened eyeballs. As ever, though, footage of Roberts’ grand schemes in action makes a decently convincing case for cautious optimism. Do some kind of physics-defying space flip past the break to give it a watch.