Dizzy Probably Won’t Return, Admit Oliver Twins

Dizzy Probably Won’t Return, Admit Oliver Twins:

As a project met with cynicism from the start and denied the early rush of cash that characterise most big-name Kickstarters, things never looked terribly rosy for the Oliver twins’ £350,000 Dizzy Returns Kickstarter. With eight days left to go and just £24,000 pledged towards this yolk folk sequel, the veteran British devs have acknowledged that we very probably shouldn’t call this a comeback.
“Dizzy Returns in all likelihood won’t meet its funding target,” they stated in an update entitled ‘Facing The Inevitable’ earlier today. “In order to meet [our goal] we’d need over £40,000 pledged every day, and realistically that’s not going to happen.”
Commiserations, chaps. So, what went wrong? And what is going to happen to the egg-man now?

