Holiday Giveaway #26: Montessorium

Holiday Giveaway #26: Montessorium:
montessorium1.jpg Happy Holidays! 2013 is around the corner, and we’re finishing up this year with more of our annual coupons from our favorite stores and over 30 giveaways from now through Christmas!

Today is definitely baby/kids day of giveaways ~ NOTCOT Holiday Giveaway #26 is from Montessorium! They have quite a generous bundle of giveaways and various ways to win! Through commenting, you have 10 chances to win Letter Work and Number Work Books and all four Montessorium apps: Intro to Math, Intro to Letters, Intro to Geography, Alpha Writer. For those who tweet or instagram, there are 10 chances to win the full app bundle too!

Justine and I grew up Montessori kids - and we’ve never forgotten the awesome minimalist design that is present through all of the montessori objects - from sand paper letters and numbers, to the counting beads, blue solids… and so much lacquered woody goodness. Perhaps those early designs helped influence our design aesthetic here at NOTCOT at an early age… But when we were learning with all of that, there were no ipads… we were barely playing with computers… and it’s a whole new world of options now! Especially with Montessorium, they’ve translated much of the Montessori style of learning to ipads and board books with stunning illustrations. For Alpha Writer, you can even switch between illustrators - Zeptonn, Mike Lowery,and Marloes de Vries! Taking the sand paper letters and numbers to board books only seems natural - and the added texture in the board books is fantastic! The iPad apps, so beautiful, educational, and fun!

THE GOODS: 10 winners will each win Letter Work and Number Work Books and all four Montessorium apps: Intro to Math, Intro to Letters, Intro to Geography, Alpha Writer. Another 10 (via twitter/instagram) will be chosen to win bundles of all 4 Montessorium apps

TO WIN: Either leave a comment here sharing what inspired you as a kid by midnight 12/22 PST for a chance to win. Winner will be contacted via email.

OR - tweeting and following @NOTCOT and @Montessorium and/or instagramming and following @NOTlabs and @Montessorium sharing what inspired you as a kid by midnight 12/22 PST for a chance to win. We’ll direct message/comment to the winners.

See more details of the goodies on the next page!

TO PAGE 2 of "Holiday Giveaway #26: Montessorium"! ----->

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