Kickstarter Katchup – 1st December 2012

Kickstarter Katchup – 1st December 2012:

As we enter Christmasember and the elves enter the sweatshop, it seems only fitting that today’s Kickstarter Katchup is filled with merriment. More winners than EVER BEFORE! Two projects that DOUBLED THEIR FUNDING IN THE FINAL DAYS! I doff my comical Santa hat to Maia and Sui Generis, both of which are hugely ambitious and required more than small potatoes to fund their dreams – and both convinced the world to pledge. They’re not the only winners though and even the week’s loser (I might change that word in future Katchups because I’m a softie) has a positive spin, with hardy developers planning to continue their hard work. Bless ‘em all.
