Samsung Ativ Smart PC vs. Asus VivoTab RT

Samsung Ativ Smart PC vs. Asus VivoTab RT:
We know that some of you may be having a hard time choosing between the Samsung ATIV Smart PC and Asus VivoTab RT. To help you decide which convertible tablet PC to pick, we’ve prepared a table comparing both devices specs with its corresponding price.
Just by merely judging each device based on how many green cells a column has, one can tell that the Samsung ATIV Smart PC is a slightly better choice as opposed to the Asus Vivo Tab RT. If anything, the ASUS VivoTab RT’s only two significant advantages over the other is its insanely bright display and its keyboard dock which somewhat doubles the battery life of the tablet. However, by picking VivoTab RT, you’re missing out on two USB ports and you only have half as much storage capacity.
Then there’s also the difference in the operating system. There’s a big difference between the two OS which we plan to discuss on our future post. For now, let’s just say that we prefer having the Windows 8 over the Windows RT because it allows for a better and more familiar experience as compared to the RT.
In terms of pricing (based on VillMan’s pricing), the Samsung ATIV Smart PC is slightly cheaper than the Asus Vivo Tab RT. It’s not that significant, but considering that you have twice as much storage capacity and Windows 8 for an OS (which BTW is more costly to license than Windows RT) with the Samsung ATIV Smart PC, we can definitely say that you’re better off picking this one than the Asus Vivo Tab RT.
