Stressed from Exams? PLAY WITH PUPPEHS

Stressed from Exams? PLAY WITH PUPPEHS:
It has come to our atten-shons that two Universities are attempting to reduce student stress by encouraging playtime. WITH PUPPEHS!
First, The Herald Extra is reporting that BYU student and entrepupneur Jenna Miller started an organization called Puppies for Rent and “is offering a wriggling batch of now seven puppies for playtime rentals, with each pup hand delivered straight to customers’ doors.”
Entrepupneur <--see what I did there?


Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia is also using this novel way to help students de-stress.
Cuddle puppehs and cope with finals week?! Sign me up.
Animuhls are brought in by Therapeutic Paws of Canada.

Puppies for Rent images via and Instagram. Puppy Room flyer via Dalhousie FB.

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