SWTOR’s First Expansion Raises Level Cap, Hutts

SWTOR’s First Expansion Raises Level Cap, Hutts:
As far as I can tell, this is actually a screenshot from the sadly unreleased Hutt DLC for BioShock.
First those ding dang dern Triads and now Hutts? Jeez, what won’t rise these days? I mean, at this rate, everyone and everything’s going to start rising, and then that’ll just be the new normal, non-risen plane of existence. Where’s the fun in that? Oh well, though. Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel: The Subtitling is now officially a thing, and it’s coming soon to a galaxy near (read: far, far away from) you. But what will it entail? Am I finally about to get the Hutt crime empire management sim of my dreams? Cross your slimy slug fingers and head past the break for details.
