Wot I Think: Hell Yeah!:
Hell Yeah! isn’t really the sort of title you’d expect to see attached to something subdued and contemplative, and sure enough, Arkedo’s action-heavy Metroidvania is about as ridiculous, random, and fourth-wall-shattering as they come. But as the likes of Hamlet and Pee-Wee Herman have taught us, there’s an art to madness. It can be brilliantly amusing and useful, sure, but if it’s a crutch for something that’s fundamentally broken, well, you’ve just got a loud mess instead of quiet one. So, where does Hell Yeah! land on that spectrum? Here’s wot I think.
Hell Yeah! isn’t really the sort of title you’d expect to see attached to something subdued and contemplative, and sure enough, Arkedo’s action-heavy Metroidvania is about as ridiculous, random, and fourth-wall-shattering as they come. But as the likes of Hamlet and Pee-Wee Herman have taught us, there’s an art to madness. It can be brilliantly amusing and useful, sure, but if it’s a crutch for something that’s fundamentally broken, well, you’ve just got a loud mess instead of quiet one. So, where does Hell Yeah! land on that spectrum? Here’s wot I think.