Britney Spears Puts Her Best Foot Forward For a Smiley Sunday

Britney Spears Puts Her Best Foot Forward For a Smiley Sunday:

Britney Spears started her Sunday with a smiley trip to church in Thousand Oaks, CA. She stopped by the place of worship after spending Friday working on the new music video for the remix of her and's "Scream & Shout." Britney tweeted, "I'm on set shooting the Scream and Shout remix video. Redefining remix." Britney may have a lot more work ahead of her if she signs the reported $100 million deal for a two-year gig at Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas. There's still no official word on if Britney will in fact commit to the Vegas show, but if she does she'll most likely join the ranks of Tim McGraw, who have all found success in Sin City.

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