Dead Space 3 To Be The Straightest Of PC Ports:
Dead Space 2′s PC version launched sans replayability-enhancing DLC and with a mean bout of mouse-lag, but it was otherwise a serviceable step for horrifically mutated, disfigured man onto our platform of choice – if not exactly a giant leap. But that was years ago. So then, what sort of technological advancements has the unrestrained, godless science of our time wrought? Well, um, not really any, as it turns out. Bucking the recent trend of jingly, bell-and-whistle-laden triple-A PC ports, Dead Space 3 for PC will pretty much be the console version – but, you know, on PC.
Dead Space 2′s PC version launched sans replayability-enhancing DLC and with a mean bout of mouse-lag, but it was otherwise a serviceable step for horrifically mutated, disfigured man onto our platform of choice – if not exactly a giant leap. But that was years ago. So then, what sort of technological advancements has the unrestrained, godless science of our time wrought? Well, um, not really any, as it turns out. Bucking the recent trend of jingly, bell-and-whistle-laden triple-A PC ports, Dead Space 3 for PC will pretty much be the console version – but, you know, on PC.