OMG LEGO Marvel Game Is A Thing Yes Now Please YES!:
STOP EVERYTHING. I’m in the middle of writing a feature about something or other but who cares because! BECAUSE! LEGO Marvel Super Heroes!
Oh good heavens, it’s my worlds all coming together in a thousand Christmasses. The infinite supply of utterly excellent Lego games from Traveller’s Tales collides with the superheroics from the House Of Ideas, and if it isn’t the best game ever I’m going to eat my own knees.
STOP EVERYTHING. I’m in the middle of writing a feature about something or other but who cares because! BECAUSE! LEGO Marvel Super Heroes!
Oh good heavens, it’s my worlds all coming together in a thousand Christmasses. The infinite supply of utterly excellent Lego games from Traveller’s Tales collides with the superheroics from the House Of Ideas, and if it isn’t the best game ever I’m going to eat my own knees.