Philosopher Bunny Struggles with Truth

Philosopher Bunny Struggles with Truth:
The days pass like shadows, creeping up walls until all is darkness and night. I pace from room to room, endless as the dim twisting corridors of my soul, seeking answers that do not come. From the other room I hear her call to me, like a desperate angel, powerless to break the chains that bind me to this world of woe.
“You gonna finish these carrots or what?” she softly asks.
Or what, I muse to myself. What… indeed?

We take you now to sender-inner Elizabeth S. at our Too Much Information desk: “Here is a picture taken recently of my bunnies Plushie and Twinkie. They’re brother and sister and absolutely inseparable. We had to separate them before they were spayed and neutered. Plushie would try to break out of his cage to go and see her. He was successful… TWICE.”

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