Red Shopping Bag

Red Shopping Bag:
Red shopping bag, I fill you up
Let’s have a party, let’s have a party.

Red shopping bag, you’re more than just plastic,
You’re more than amazing, you’re more than fantastic.

And believe me that I’m not the least bit sarcastic
When I look at you and say:

“Red shopping bag, you’re not just a bag, no no!
You’re my, you’re my friend!
Thank you for being my friend.”

♪ ♫ Original Red Solo Cup ♪ ♫! Leah H. says, “We were so delighted when CO featured Scrappy back in June! Scrappy is still a little mischief maker. She likes to wrestle and play, and she still has the crazy eyebrows! Scrappy’s owners have responded very well to their cat training. They are now wrapped completely around her little paw. One of Scrappy’s favourite games is to hide and wait for unsuspecting feet to pounce on. Her owners tried putting a bell on her so it would be easier to find her when she hides (especially when she’s outside) but Scrappy wasn’t very pleased with that. It really interfered with her bird hunting. Photos by Lorraine H.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kittens
