The ABC of Architects [VIDEO]

The ABC of Architects [VIDEO]:
The ABC of Architects [VIDEO] in architecture Category
What do you get when you take 26 of the most important architects and mix it with animation? The quirky ABC of Architects animated video by Federico Gonzalez and Andrea Stinga, of course.

The video is an alphabetical list of notable architects with their most well-known building. They tried to feature a range of nationalities in the lot, but they had to leave a lot of great architects out since the list had to be narrowed to the number of letters in the alphabet.
Concept and Animation: Federico Gonzalez and Andrea Stinga
Art Direction: Federico Gonzalez
Music: The Butterfly by Eugene C. Rose and George Ruble (Creative Commons)

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© 2013 Design Milk | Posted by Caroline in Architecture | Permalink | No comments
