The promise of 2013

The promise of 2013:

White Lentil Soup with Poached Egg, Chorizo, and Paprika
Hello everyone,
So sorry to have been away for so long. I don’t even have the excuse of having traveled to exotic places.
I’ve been home. Mainly. And actually very much enjoying it. Working and enjoying family time. And taking the time to tackle unfinished projects–such as unpack boxes we’ve had stored since we moved to our new house two years ago–and organize our space and the new year ahead.
I am one of those that grew to like that kind of new beginning.
Still, I am amazed that it’s almost mid-January. Maybe you feel just the same way. For once though, we sent our holiday cards a long time ago.
2012 has been quite an interesting year. Amazing on many levels when I think about the book I was able to publish with Roost Books;

The many trips I took, from South Dakota, to Sicily, Vermont, Canada, Ireland, France, and Alaska;

Cooking with Martha Stewart;

The workshops I taught in NYC, France, and Canada;

And the fabulous people I met all along.
To all of you I was able to meet and for all of you who keep checking in, thank you!

I wish that 2013 is grand for all of you. I hope it’s the promise of great things ahead.
For me, it started with an incredibly lucky event. With the unexpected encounter with Josée Di Stasio, the amazing talent behind the French Canadian Food Show, A La Di Stasio.
Josée and I actually met in early winter of last year. We became friends quickly.
One day, she asked whether I’d like to be part of her show.
Happy me!
Of course, I said yes without hesitating.
The episode she asked me to be part of, From Montréal to Boston, has just been broadcast on Télé Québec.
Needless to say that it was an unforgettable experience. Her staff was amazing! They made me feel comfortable. Completely at home.
Naturally, we cooked together.
Josée chose two recipes from my book: My buttermilk, poppy seed, and lemon pancakes, and a lentil soup–a recipe I had already shared with you.
These links will take you to the French translation of the soup and pancakes.
The show first aired on Télé Québec on Friday January 11th at 9 PM EST.
If you live in Québec, you can see it on line by following this link.
It will air again tonight at midnight EST, and on Thursday January 17th at 2 PM EST and then 3:47 PM EST
lentil soup tartine gourmande gluten free
beatrice peltre tartine gourmande
Une très bonne année à tous et à toutes !
I am looking forward to the promise of 2013 and what it will offer.
