Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2012!

Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2012!:
top-10 (1)People! Voilà the OFFICIAL Cute Overload Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2012. How did we come up with such a ranking? With the help of the Department of Energy’s Twenty-Petaflop (20,000 trillion calculations a second) Supercomputer “Titan,” we were able to crunch tonz of data to come up with the best of the best. Here we go- fasten your lap straps, trays in the upright position!
[Top 10 Videos up next! -Ed]
Cue the Cute Lang Syne music!

#10 Cutest Photo of 2012:

Experience the Hedgie-Gro™ Difference!

We treated the hedgehog on the right with Hedgie-Gro™ brand Hedgehog Chow; the hedgehog on the left, another leading brand. And just look at the difference!

Mama hedgehog and baby hedgehog (who looks like it is riding a roller coaster and yelling “whee!”), found by Heather!

#9 Cutest Photo of 2012:

Rainforest fluffballs

People, please check out these fluffy little Tribble-like dudes. The Honduran White Bat! According to Wikipedia, Honduran White Bats have snow-white fur and a yellow nose and ears. These bats are tiny, only 37-47 mm long. They live in leaf tents in the rainforest, natch. I’d never seen these creatures before alert Cuteporter Terri H. informed us.



#8 Cutest Photo of 2012:

The Happiest Tortoises on the Planet

Ladies and Gentlemen, We Give You:  The Happiest Tortoises on the Planet.
“A strawberry?! My favorite!!
A strawberry?  MY FAVORITE!!
Raspberries Another strawberry?!?!?!? MY FAVORARRGTHMMGPTHOMNOMNOM!!!!!!!1!!!
RASPERRIES??!!?!!  MY FAVORITE!!!!1!!!!!1!

#7 Cutest Photo of 2012:

My parents asked me to puppy sit. This is what I sent them 15 minutes after they left.

Brilliant poster Massachoosite posted this image and cap-shons over on Reddit. Bone Appétit! [groan]

#6 Cutest Photo of 2012:

BFF’s To The Max: Misao And Fukumaru

Cuteporters Saffron & Nancy F. are reportin’ that photographer Miyoko Ihara has been taking photos of her grandmother Misao and kitteh Fukumaru for the last 13 years. One day, Grandma found an odd-eyed kitten in the shed…
It’s all captured in the new book Misao the Big Mama and Fukumaru the Cat.

Via Buzzfeed Animals.

#5 Cutest Photo of 2012:

It’s Been a Long Week

Ready to face the world again!
Thank you for sharing your sudsy buddy, 四川 成都

#4 Cutest Photo of 2012:

Wow-worthy Pet Portraiture

Amazingly creative pet-tographer Seth Casteel has a new series of Underwater pup photos:

We like it (officially, on Facebook!) See much more over at Seth’s Little Friends Photo site.

#3 Cutest Photo of 2012:

I’ll Miss You All Summer

I can’t believe that you’ll be moving up a grade and they’re holding me back, just because they say I’m… (snif!) slow! It’s not my fault! I’m supposed to be slow!

Another of Ant’s Quality Foraged Links.

#2 Cutest Photo of 2012:

Well Would You Look at That

A pig in a blanket.

Brock, you sent us this picture. I do not think it means what you think it means.

#1 Cutest photo of 2012:

Seventeen Dynamic Duos

There all sorts of reasons why things pair up. We have recently received a glut of awesome duos. We have compiled and organized some of them for your viewing and squeeing pleasure.
Parent and Child Duos: Bound together by blood and love and stuff.

One sided Duos: When one is an inanimate object.

Friendship Duos: Sisters and brothers from other mothers.

Duos of Convenience: Sometimes it’s handy to hook up.

Uncertain Duos: When the outcome is unknown.

Our thanks to (in order of appearance): Ajdin Samurai, Christof Stache, 1-Ace, JChip (puppy with stuffy and girl with dog),,, Skip, JGState 1 (grey kitty with tan dog and Cavalier with tortois), No Name, Pixdaus, Isleshocky, Attack of the Cute, Ajay Vichra, Picturedude and Artemis.
There eet is, the Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2012. Lotta copying/pasting on this one, yep! We’re already hard at work on the Top Ten for 2013, so keep those submissions coming!
And how about the Top Ten Archives! (RIP to 2008, MIA and no one knows why)

Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2011

Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2010

Top Ten Cutest Videos of 2010

Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2009

Top Ten Cutest Photos of 2007

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