Top Ten Cutest Videos of 2012

Top Ten Cutest Videos of 2012:
top-10Back with one more 2012 Greatest Hits Rewind (sounds like MTV from back in the day, doncha’ know) AKA the OFFICIAL Cute Overload Top Ten Cutest Videos of 2012. As with our Top 10 Cutest Photos of 2012, we uploaded all the data to the DOE Twenty-Petaflop Supercomputer “Titan” to determine the list. Totally scientific and such; close prox to Silicon Valley has its perks.

#10 Cutest Video of 2012:

The Bark Side

No, they did not just trot in a whippet wearing the AT-AT costume at the end…

MobileMeeshe does it again!

#9 Cutest Video of 2012:

THIS JUST IN! Sloths in onesies!

GET OUT! [pushing you against a wall] this is PURE REDONKULOUSNESS!

Chief Sister Occifer spotted this one on our other favorite site, Dlisted.

#8 Cutest Video of 2012:

Gee, We Just Had Cupcakes at Mine

Bet your going-away party wasn’t as awesome as this: On his last day with four lion cubs, this “Men of C.O.” calendar candidate gets in some serious snuggling.

#7 Cutest Video of 2012:

The squeakingks!

The chubbular regions!
The learning to walkings!
It’s entirely too moshe! — wait, is that a poop on the floor? [facepalm]

And introducing: FAVE FRAME™ (My favorite part of this movie, the new video equivalent to the Cute Overload Xtreme Close-Up)

Super-Sender-Inner Josh N. sent this one in after emitting a Super Squeal.

#6 Cutest Video of 2012:

Somebody Switched to a New Shampoo

The kind that adds extra bounce.

Maybe this time they should’ve tested it on animals first? Sent in by Miriam who found it on DogWork

#5 Cutest Video of 2012:

The Four Stages of Waking Up

Denial. Denial. Denial. Bargaining.

Ingrid H. sent us these sleepy British Shorthair kittens looking for the snooze button.

#4 Cutest Video of 2012:

Scottish Fold Demands Pettin’

Those Scottish Folds are sooooo demanding.
[tap tap tap]

A link found and dutifully brought back to the colony by Ant.

#3 Cutest Video of 2012:

Bathtime for Sloths

OMG 28 seconds in!

OMG 28 seconds in!

OMG 28 seconds in!

Brinkie McBrinkersons sent this anerabuhl video in. Holy crap.

#2 Cutest Video of 2012:

Happy Caturday, Citizen

The cat you see before you is real. It is the happiest cat you have ever seen. You watch the video many times. Soon, it becomes hard to move. You feel a happy melting sensation in your brain. Speech becomes difficult.
Remain calm. Doctors are coming for you. They will take you to a nice room with other happy people. You will share your opinions about soft drinks and political candidates. You will rate movie trailers. The doctors will write down what you say.
When you awaken, you will be at your desk. You will remember nothing. Thank you.

#1 Cutest Video of 2012:

Rambo, the Paradox Paradog

In the webcomic The Oatmeal, cartoonist Matthew Inman sometimes shares the eccentric habits of his Shi Tzu puppy Rambo, such as in the recent comic My dog: the paradox (not safe for work and perhaps lunch). Inman recently shared a video of Rambo in a less eccentric mood from his Facebook page.

There eet is, the Top Ten Cutest Videos of 2012. We’d love to have your video in THIS SAME SPACE for next year, so keep those submissions coming! (Helpful Hint: don’t send in a whompin’ huge video file the size of New Hampsha, or link to Vimeo or sumfin’–upload to YouTube and then email the link. It’s for the best.)
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