When You Need A Helping Paw, Er, Hoof

When You Need A Helping Paw, Er, Hoof:
It’s a tough world out there, People. Once in a while, we need a little help from our friends. Take Terfel the doggeh, for instance. He’s on the visually-impaired side, so his pal Pwditat the kitteh helps him navigate.
Can we get an AWWWWWWWWWW please!

Then, we’ve got the story of Nicky the blind bebeh Rhino, who lives at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya. Read all about it, and according to the story “The team at Lewa hope to fly in a specialist to perform a high-tech surgical procedure to fix Nicky’s eyesight early his year.” #WIN!

Sent in by Cuteporter Lindsay J.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: cats, dogs
