Awww: Dreadline Hits Kickstarter Deadline, Falls Short:
Well, here’s a big, fat downer. You remember Dreadline, right? I mean, of course you do. Given that you’re an RPS reader of scholarly disposition and handsome taste, you probably donated all of your worldly possessions to the ex-Irrational/Harmonix debut’s cause. I mean, it’s about a team of time-traveling monsters mucking up major historical moments, and it’s got heaping chunks of Freedom Force nestled within its pile of Frankensteinian limbs. So I guess the bright side here is that you get to keep all your things. But really, that’s pitiable consolation for the fact that Dreadline missed funding by a wide margin. It asked for a relatively tame $167,000, but only managed $23,408. Sigh. But there is, at least, some hope for the future.
Well, here’s a big, fat downer. You remember Dreadline, right? I mean, of course you do. Given that you’re an RPS reader of scholarly disposition and handsome taste, you probably donated all of your worldly possessions to the ex-Irrational/Harmonix debut’s cause. I mean, it’s about a team of time-traveling monsters mucking up major historical moments, and it’s got heaping chunks of Freedom Force nestled within its pile of Frankensteinian limbs. So I guess the bright side here is that you get to keep all your things. But really, that’s pitiable consolation for the fact that Dreadline missed funding by a wide margin. It asked for a relatively tame $167,000, but only managed $23,408. Sigh. But there is, at least, some hope for the future.