Chivalrous Developments: Chivalry’s Splendid Free Update

Chivalrous Developments: Chivalry’s Splendid Free Update:

We love a bit of Torn Banner’s elegant game of violent multiplayer dismemberment, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and that romance is made all the sweeter by the gifts it keeps bestowing upon us. The first content update, which has now arrived, brings new game modes, and their relevant maps, as well as a bunch of new environments for the existing game. (And frankly, they look gorgeous.) Then there are new weapons, and a bunch of game tweaks, from being able to swing your weapon differently, to blood splatters on the ground. It’s a wealth of bonus stuff for those of you awash in the unattached parts of your digital enemies.
Get your eyes plucked out as a warning to other games by the latest trailer, below.

