Faith's Kitchen Renovation: How We Planned Out the Kitchen — Renovation Diary: Faith's Budget Luxe Kitchen

Faith's Kitchen Renovation: How We Planned Out the Kitchen — Renovation Diary: Faith's Budget Luxe Kitchen:

A kitchen, in spray paint.

At some point, when planning a kitchen renovation, you need to lift your head out of the daze of scrolling Pinterest, and the stacks of ELLE Decor UK and Dwell and actually, you know, plan your kitchen. I've told you all about buying a house, plunging into renovations, and tearing down plaster by the bucketful. Now, back to the kitchen itself — how in the world does one go about planning a kitchen renovation? How do you actually make decisions? What to put where, how many drawers and cabinets, where to install the sink? Well, I don't know how other people make these sorts of rather scary decisions — I can only tell you how we did. More
