FFXIV: A Realm Reborn Birthing A Beta This Month

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn Birthing A Beta This Month:

Ah, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, what manner of thing will you be? Many people, naturally, would prefer that you turn out, well, good, but you kind of had a hard time with that during your first go-’round. I did like your job system, story missions, and world, though. So I have some hope. Kinda. Maybe? Videos of quests that look musty and maggot-riddled out of the box have me second-guessing my vague optimism, but I’ll reserve judgment until I can feel the winds of adventure and taste the scent of Chocobo stable manure for myself. Which are things I will apparently be able to do very soon – at least, in beta form. FFXIV: A Realm Reborn is set to take its first steps later this month. Details after the break.
