Invisible Apparel: Material-Free Dresses Made of Light

Invisible Apparel: Material-Free Dresses Made of Light: [ By WebUrbanist in Art & Photography & Video. ]

light art dress
Combining light art photography and high fashion, these show-stopping, runway-worthy gowns are invisible until completed, and manufactured without physical material.
light art dresses photography
Atton Conrad sets the models in pitch-black rooms, then writes with lights around them, resulting in a flowing and ephemeral slow-captured creation that is only visible after each shot is finished.
light art designer apparel
Conrad has worked extensively in both of the fields found intersecting here, as a veteran photographer and light artist alike. “London born, Belfast bred and originally set for a career in science, the inherited genes from an artist father & actress mother prevailed. He made for the bright lights of his birth city to persue his love of photography.” He was, as it were, drawn to the light – limelight, spotlight, and lighting itself.
light art runway models
light art costume design
Of his work, he says that “it started with light trails, but grew far beyond that, as i developed my methodology and custom designed ‘light brushes’ I realised that the techniques could give me incredibly fine control over light and texture, to an unique almost hyperreal result. I have always been known for my classic lighting, and still take great pleasure in it, but this took it a completely fresh direction.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Photography & Video. ]

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