The Master of Disguise!:
Do you see me in this picture? Of course you don’t. That is because I am… The Master of Disguise! Thanks to my years of study in the forbidden Ninja arts, no door is locked, no room impervious, no secret safe from… The Master of Disguise! I am but a whisper, an errant thought, a vague feeling of unease that one is not alone. Hark! Was that a gust of wind? Or was it… The Master of Disguise!
Nice six pack, Marcos H.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kittens
Do you see me in this picture? Of course you don’t. That is because I am… The Master of Disguise! Thanks to my years of study in the forbidden Ninja arts, no door is locked, no room impervious, no secret safe from… The Master of Disguise! I am but a whisper, an errant thought, a vague feeling of unease that one is not alone. Hark! Was that a gust of wind? Or was it… The Master of Disguise!
Nice six pack, Marcos H.
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kittens