Video: Beautiful Creatures Stars Talk Valentine's Day Horror Stories

Video: Beautiful Creatures Stars Talk Valentine's Day Horror Stories:
The upcoming film Beautiful Creatures - out Valentine's Day - is based on a YA book series and follows the relationship between a magical being and and a mortal. But don't be too quick to disregard it as yet another paranormal romance. With its smart dialogue, literary themes, touching love story, and all-star cast (including Jeremy Irons, Emmy Rossum, Viola Davis, and Emma Thompson), we think it deserves to stand on its own.
The film's greatest strength may be its stars, newcomers Alice Englert and Alden Ehrenreich. The pair play star-crossed teen lovers in the Deep South, with Alice as a new girl in town who happens to be a witch (or "caster") and Alden as bookish popular guy Ethan Wate. We recently chatted with Alice and Alden about Valentine's Day horror stories, their favorite books, and awkward bonding with their costars over foot massages. Watch now to see what they said!
