What Have You Been Most Surprised (or Embarrassed) to Learn in the Kitchen? — Reader Discussion

What Have You Been Most Surprised (or Embarrassed) to Learn in the Kitchen? — Reader Discussion:
What Have You Been Most Surprised (or Embarrassed) to Learn in the Kitchen?
I can't believe I didn't know that! Have you ever found yourself saying this in the kitchen? Maybe it's about something innocuous like, "Huh, couscous isn't a grain?" Or surprising: "Oh, pork shoulder and pork butt are the same thing." Or embarrassing: "Wait - Rocky Mountain oysters are what?" As NPR said in a story about these things, "Part of being an adult is finding out stuff you should have known for years but somehow didn't." We all have those little things that somehow escape our general education and flabbergast us later -- what have been yours, in cooking and the kitchen?  More
