Phosphor On Project Awakened’s Life After Kickstarter

Phosphor On Project Awakened’s Life After Kickstarter:

There are some things you can’t do, even with all the powers. Those things include healing a broken heart, parallel parking anything larger than a clown car, and evidently, solving the puzzle that is Kickstarter. Phosphor – whose crime-fighting slice of sky pie, Project Awakened, sadly went splat well before its Kickstarter crossed the finish line – knows that all too well. But it’s not ready to give up just yet.  So then, what’s the deal with its allegedly Greenbay-Packers-influenced “part owners” program? And, if crowdfunding failed to swoop in and save the day once, what makes Phosphor so sure it’ll respond to the giant dollar signal in the sky this time? Moreover, even if fans can muster the needed cash, what happens after a bunch of it goes into a robust prototype intended to get backers more involved in the development process? Where will more money come from? Use every power in your arsenal – yes, even smission – to get past the break for precious, precious answers from studio director Chip Sineni.
