40th Anniversary Of First Mobile Phone Call Highlights Technology's Rapid ... - Fox News Latino

40th Anniversary Of First Mobile Phone Call Highlights Technology's Rapid ... - Fox News Latino:

Brisbane Times

40th Anniversary Of First Mobile Phone Call Highlights Technology's Rapid ...
Fox News Latino
Can you remember a world without smartphones? Oh my, how times have changed. Wednesday marked the 40th anniversary of the first phone call ever made from a cell phone. On April 3, 1973 in New York City, Motorola employee Martin Cooper made the ...
Cell-a-brate the 40th Anniversary of Mobile-Phone Calls! (Or Don't, Whatever!)Vanity Fair
Cell-ebration! 40 Years of Cellphone HistoryMashable
Brick-Sized Cellphone Celebrates 40th BirthdayABC News (blog)
socalTech.com -IEEE Spectrum -Fast Company
all 164 news articles »
