Ben and Violet Make a Sunny Stop as Jen Addresses His Oscars Speech

Ben and Violet Make a Sunny Stop as Jen Addresses His Oscars Speech:

Ben Affleck helped his oldest daughter, Violet, out of his car in Santa Monica today. Violet wore a Spring ensemble of pastels and carried a bag monogrammed with her name for the bright father-daughter stop. Ben is currently on dad duty with wife Jennifer Garner spending time in NYC. Although Jen left her family for a stay on the East Coast, she got in plenty of quality time with the kids recently. Earlier this week, she was the one helping Violet out of the car while out in LA, and Jen also shared brunch with all three of their children over the weekend.
Ben and Jen have been taking turns caring for their kids based on their busy schedules, and she recently addressed his highly criticized Oscar speech, in which he referred to their marriage as "work." Although critics were quick to paint his words in a negative light, Jennifer explained Ben's Oscars speech from her perspective in an interview with Britain's Telegraph, revealing, "I know Ben, I knew he meant it as the hugest, warmest compliment in the world. I think he was saying, 'Look, what we have is really real and I value it above all and I'm in it with you and I know you are in it with me.' That's the way I took it."

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