Daytime Soap Or First Trailer For Jane Jensen’s Moebius?:
This trailer is rubbish! That doesn’t mean the game (the result of Gabriel Knight creator Jane Jensen’s successful Kickstarter) will be, of course. But the twangy music and exaggerated, funny-accent-based-acting seems straight out of Days of Our Lives. Also, when the unconvincingly English lead character introduces himself as Malachi Rector, I hear Malachi Rectum. Because I am a child. (Also because of his faux-posh-Brit accent). (But mostly because I am a child).
This trailer is rubbish! That doesn’t mean the game (the result of Gabriel Knight creator Jane Jensen’s successful Kickstarter) will be, of course. But the twangy music and exaggerated, funny-accent-based-acting seems straight out of Days of Our Lives. Also, when the unconvincingly English lead character introduces himself as Malachi Rector, I hear Malachi Rectum. Because I am a child. (Also because of his faux-posh-Brit accent). (But mostly because I am a child).