Emma's Playlist: My Strange Bedfellows Indie-Folk-Pop Party Tunes — Party Playlists from The Kitchn

Emma's Playlist: My Strange Bedfellows Indie-Folk-Pop Party Tunes — Party Playlists from The Kitchn:
Emma's Playlist: My Strange Bedfellows Indie-Folk-Pop Party Tunes
I'm definitely of the "throw some great albums in a playlist and hit Random" mindset when it comes to party tunes. Much like my attitude toward dinner party dishes, I figure that if I put enough good music in the mix, it will all come out just fine. Which is how I end up with such strange musical bedfellows as The Heartless Bastards with Mumford & Sons, or Andrew Bird right after Cloud Cult. But hey, once the wine is open and the snacks come out, it's all good.
