Injured Shia Teams Up With Robert Redford For TimesTalks

Injured Shia Teams Up With Robert Redford For TimesTalks:

Shia LaBeouf was still sporting his medical boot when he joined Robert Redford for TimesTalks in NYC yesterday. The two stars attended the event to discuss their new film, The Company You Keep, with journalist David Carr. Shia and Robert premiered the new film in the Big Apple on Monday alongside their costars Brit Marling and Stanley Tucci. In the film, which is directed by Robert, Shia plays an eager young reporter who assists with an FBI case involving the Weather Underground. During the TimesTalks interview, Shia revealed that he was already familiar with the radical '60s group because he comes "from hippie parents." Check out a trailer for The Company You Keep before the flick hits theaters on April 5.

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