Kitchen Nightmares in Google Earth

Kitchen Nightmares in Google Earth:
Roughly a year ago, the user ‘sladys’ in the Google Earth Hacks forums posted a great file that shows the location of every restaurant from the “Kitchen Nightmares” television show in the United States.  In light of the amazing meltdown of Amy’s Baking Company in the season finale, I thought it might be a fun file to show off.
It’s a very comprehensive file which includes the location of every restaurant from all six seasons, nicely grouped and sorted in the sidebar.  You can read more about the file here, or download the KMZ file here. You can read more about the Amy’s Baking Company mess in this Washington Post article or on the Wikipedia page devoted to the chaos.
Sladys has also built a similar file with all of the locations from the UK version of the show as well.  That info can be found here, and this is the KMZ file for it.
Nice work sladys!
The post Kitchen Nightmares in Google Earth appeared first on Google Earth Blog.
